Growth of Employees

KTC believes that we should focus on the growth of our employees, whereby everyone will be able to reach to their fullest potential through training and development, as well as career advancement.

Safe Working Environment

KTC believes that we should provide a safe and healthy working environment. This is because through such a working environment only can we guarantee to deliver an assured level of work efficiency as well as positive motivation and performance.


KTC believes that education is the key to improving lives and eradicating poverty. We aim to offer the opportunity of education to those who otherwise may not have the opportunity to gain access to going to a school. We believe that special attention should be paid to the rural communities and we hope to be able to provide these communities with proper facilities, so that the young generation can be equipped with a solid foundation for a secured future and an improved way of life.


KTC readily awards scholarships to deserving students to further advance their studies and subsequently, to take part in the KTC Internship Programme. This does not just serve as a great career kick-starter for the future generation, but also serves as a channel for KTC to welcome capable young leaders that can bring new ideas and innovation that will further carry the company forward.